Two Prayers

Written 6.25.06.


There are ten thousand gods,
I cannot name all of you gods.
I thank you that I am a cat and not a goat;
I thank you that I am a predator and not prey.
I thank you that there is food in my settlement,
I thank you that there is water in my settlement,
I thank you that I have a voice to speak with.
I thank you that I was born, and that one day I will die,
and that that day has not come yet.
To you gods I will be as precious as silver:
Every day when I think of you I will rejoice.


Hail to myself:
I am a cat walking northward,
A cat walking eastward,
A cat walking southward,
And a cat walking westward.
My tail is the trunk of all kinds of tree,
and my voice is the gods' own magic,
and all my body is made out of fire.
Hail to myself, a hunter with bright fur.

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